Getting started with the ESP32_DevKitC_V4

Getting started with the ESP32_DevKitC_V4 is an exciting journey into the world of IoT (Internet of Things) and embedded systems. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you begin:

1. Understanding the ESP32_DevKitC_V4

  • What It Is: The ESP32_DevKitC_V4 is a development board based on the ESP32 microcontroller, which is equipped with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities.
  • Key Features: It offers a rich set of peripherals, is low power, and supports a wide range of applications from simple GPIO controls to complex IoT applications.

2. Gather Required Equipment

  • ESP32_DevKitC_V4 Board
  • Micro USB Cable: For connecting the board to your computer.
  • Computer: With internet access for downloading software and documentation.
  • Optional: Breadboard and Jumper Wires: For later experiments with external components.

3. Install the Development Environment

  • Arduino IDE:
    1. Download and install the Arduino IDE from the Arduino website.
    2. Launch Arduino IDE, go to File > Preferences.
    3. Under “Additional Board Manager URLs”, add
    4. Open Tools > Board > Boards Manager, search for “ESP32”, and install it.
  • Or, PlatformIO:
    1. Install Visual Studio Code (VS Code) from the VS Code website.
    2. Inside VS Code, install the PlatformIO extension from the Extensions view.
    3. PlatformIO supports ESP32 out of the box.

4. Connect Your ESP32 Board

  • Plug the ESP32 DevKitC V4 into your computer using the micro USB cable.
  • Ensure the board is detected (you may hear a sound on your computer, or see a new COM port in your Device Manager on Windows).

5. Basic Programming

  • Open the Arduino IDE or PlatformIO.
  • Write a simple program, like blinking an LED.
  • Select the correct board (ESP32 Dev Module in Arduino IDE) and the COM port.
  • Click “Upload” to program the ESP32.

6. Explore and Experiment

  • Basic Projects: Start with simple projects like reading sensor data or controlling LEDs.
  • Advance Gradually: Move to more complex tasks like connecting to Wi-Fi, creating web servers, or interfacing with different modules and sensors.

7. Utilize Resources

  • Documentation: Refer to the Espressif documentation.
  • Online Communities: Join forums, such as the ESP32 Forum, for community support.
  • Tutorials and Guides: Look for online tutorials specific to the ESP32 for hands-on examples and project ideas.

8. Troubleshooting and Debugging

  • Common Issues: Address issues like board not connecting, program not uploading, etc., by checking cable connections, selecting the correct port, and ensuring correct board settings.
  • Debugging Tools: Use the Serial Monitor in Arduino IDE or advanced debugging features in PlatformIO.

9. Safety Precautions

  • Electrical Safety: Be cautious when dealing with electricity. Start with low-voltage projects.
  • ESD Safety: Protect the board from Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) damage.

10. Expand Your Learning

  • Advanced Projects: Once comfortable, start integrating multiple sensors, try IoT applications, connect to cloud services, or explore deep sleep modes for power-saving.
  • Programming Skills: Enhance your programming skills in C++ (used in Arduino IDE) or delve into ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework) for more control and features.


As you embark on this journey, remember that experimentation and practice are key. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different project ideas, and when you encounter challenges, treat them as opportunities to learn more about the system’s intricacies. The ESP32 is a powerful tool that opens up a world of possibilities in IoT and embedded systems, and with each project, you’ll be building a solid foundation in this exciting field.


Soft Access Point Mode (SAP):

Station Mode (STA):




Flash Memory:

ESP32 Cores:

A processor core is essentially an individual processing unit within a computer’s central processing unit (CPU). Modern CPUs often have multiple cores (core 0 and core 1), allowing them to perform several tasks simultaneously. Each core can independently execute computing instructions, which means a multi-core processor can handle multiple processes at the same time, enhancing overall computing performance and efficiency.

By default, all tasks run on the same core. This is typically core 1, as core 0 is often reserved for lower-level system tasks and Wi-Fi/Bluetooth operations in the ESP32’s architecture.

In the context of a microcontroller like the ESP32, which has a dual-core processor, each core can independently run its own instructions. This capability enables the ESP32 to handle more complex tasks and multitasking more efficiently than a single-core processor. For example, one core can manage network communications while the other handles sensor data processing.

ESP32 Memory Architecture:

The ESP32 has a complex memory architecture, and understanding absolute memory addresses is crucial for low-level programming or when interacting directly with hardware components. The memory address range in the ESP32 includes various types of memory such as IRAM (Instruction RAM), DRAM (Data RAM), and flash memory, each with its own address range.

1.  Memory Address Range: The ESP32’s memory is mapped into several regions, each with a specific purpose:
•   IRAM (0x40000000 - 0x4007FFFF): Used for storing executable instructions.
•   DRAM (0x3FFB0000 - 0x3FFFFFFF): Used for data storage.
•   Flash Memory (mapped to 0x3F400000 - 0x3FBFFFFF): Non-volatile storage for program code and data.
2.  Finding Detailed Information: For the most accurate and detailed information about memory mapping, consult the ESP32 Technical Reference Manual provided by Espressif. This document offers comprehensive details about the memory architecture, including address ranges and the purposes of different memory regions.
3.  Symbolic Tags (Labels): In your code, instead of using absolute memory addresses directly, it’s recommended to use symbolic tags or labels. These are human-readable identifiers that are linked to specific memory addresses or registers. Symbolic tags make your code more understandable and maintainable. For instance, in C or C++, you’d typically use variables, constants, and functions instead of direct memory addresses.
4.  Direct Memory Access (DMA): If you need to interact with memory at a low level, such as for Direct Memory Access (DMA) operations or interfacing with hardware peripherals, you’ll need to refer to specific memory addresses. In such cases, ensure you have a deep understanding of the ESP32’s memory architecture to avoid issues like memory corruption or conflicts with the operating system.
5.  Caution: Directly manipulating memory addresses can be risky and can lead to system instability or crashes if not done correctly. It’s usually done in scenarios where you need high performance or are writing low-level drivers. For general application development, it’s safer and more practical to use the standard APIs and libraries provided by the ESP32 SDK or Arduino core, which abstract these details.

For the most accurate and detailed technical specifications, always refer to the latest documentation provided by Espressif, the manufacturer of ESP32.

Under Development….

Arduino IDE was first time launched in March 2015.