STEM Tutorials with Open Datasets of Australia

1. Climate Change Impact Analysis on Ecosystems

  • What to Do: Analyze temperature, precipitation, and extreme weather event data over the past decades to study their impact on Australia’s ecosystems.
  • Data Source: Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) –

2. Urbanization and Its Environmental Effects

  • What to Do: Use satellite images and urban development data to investigate the effects of urbanization on local ecosystems and biodiversity.
  • Data Source: Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network Data Portal –

3. Public Health Trends and Analysis

  • What to Do: Analyze health-related data, such as incidence rates of various diseases, vaccination rates, and hospitalization rates, to identify trends and potential public health issues.
  • Data Source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) –

4. Renewable Energy Potential and Efficiency

  • What to Do: Study data on solar, wind, and hydro energy production across different regions to evaluate the efficiency and potential of renewable energy sources in Australia.
  • Data Source: Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) –

5. Water Quality and Management Analysis

  • What to Do: Analyze data on water quality parameters, usage, and management practices to propose improvements for sustainable water use.
  • Data Source: Bureau of Meteorology’s Water Data Online –

6. Analyzing Traffic Flow and Congestion

  • What to Do: Use traffic data to analyze congestion patterns, identify bottlenecks, and propose infrastructure improvements or policy changes to enhance traffic flow.
  • Data Source: State-based transport data portals, such as Transport for NSW Open Data Hub –

7. Exploring Australian Biodiversity

  • What to Do: Investigate the distribution and status of various species across Australia, focusing on endangered species and conservation efforts.
  • Data Source: Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) –

8. Economic Data Analysis for Policy Making

  • What to Do: Analyze economic indicators like GDP growth, employment rates, and inflation to understand economic trends and inform policy-making.
  • Data Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) –

9. Solar Energy System Design

  • What to Do: Design a solar energy system for a specific location, using solar radiation data to calculate potential energy production and system efficiency.
  • Data Source: Australian Renewable Energy Mapping Infrastructure (AREMI) –

10. Analyzing the Impact of Natural Disasters

  • What to Do: Use data on bushfires, floods, and cyclones to study their frequency, affected areas, and recovery efforts, aiming to improve disaster preparedness.
  • Data Source: Australian Disaster Resilience Knowledge Hub –

11. Environmental Science: Analyzing Biodiversity Changes

  • What to Do: Study the distribution and changes in populations of specific species across different Australian regions over time. Analyze the impact of environmental changes on these populations.
  • Data Source: Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) provides comprehensive data on species distributions, sightings, and environmental data.

12. Mathematics: Statistical Analysis of Australian Economic Indicators

  • What to Do: Use statistical methods to analyze trends in Australia’s economic indicators like GDP growth, unemployment rates, and inflation. Predict future trends based on historical data.
  • Data Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) offers detailed datasets on various economic indicators.

3. Technology: Developing a Real-time Public Transport App

  • What to Do: Create an app that provides real-time information on public transport schedules, delays, and crowd levels.
  • Data Source: features real-time and static data on public transport from various Australian cities and states.

4. Engineering: Solar Energy Potential Mapping

  • What to Do: Analyze geographic and meteorological data to map out potential sites for solar energy farms. Consider factors like sunlight hours, land usage, and proximity to power grids.
  • Data Source: Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) and Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) offer solar exposure and renewable energy project data.

5. Computer Science: Cybersecurity Threat Analysis

  • What to Do: Use cybersecurity incident reports to analyze trends in cyber threats in Australia. Develop an algorithm to predict future cybersecurity threats.
  • Data Source: Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) provides reports and datasets on cybersecurity threats and incidents.

6. Earth Sciences: Water Quality and River Health Analysis

  • What to Do: Assess the health of Australia’s rivers by analyzing water quality data, including levels of pollutants, pH, and biodiversity indicators.
  • Data Source: Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) and state-based environmental protection agencies provide water quality and river health data.

7. Agriculture: Crop Yield Prediction Modeling

  • What to Do: Develop predictive models for crop yields based on historical yield data, weather patterns, and soil quality.
  • Data Source: Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) offers agricultural data including crop yields and environmental conditions.

8. Health Science: Public Health Data Analysis

  • What to Do: Analyze public health data to identify trends in diseases, vaccination rates, and health outcomes. Evaluate the effectiveness of public health policies.
  • Data Source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) provides comprehensive datasets on various aspects of public health.

9. Physics: Renewable Energy Efficiency Analysis

  • What to Do: Compare the efficiency of different types of renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydro) in various locations across Australia.
  • Data Source: Australian Renewable Energy Mapping Infrastructure (AREMI) provides data on renewable energy resources and projects.

10. Chemistry: Analyzing Air Quality Trends

  • What to Do: Use air quality datasets to study trends in air pollution across different Australian cities. Investigate the impact of policies and events on air quality.
  • Data Source: State environment protection authorities and the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment offer air quality monitoring data.

11. Astronomy: Studying Australian Sky Brightness for Astronomical Observations

  • What to Do: Analyze light pollution data to identify the best locations for astronomical observations in Australia.
  • Data Source: The Australian National University (ANU) and other observatories may provide sky brightness and light pollution data.

12. Interdisciplinary: Designing a Sustainable Urban Development Project

  • What to Do: Use urban, environmental, and socio-economic datasets to design a sustainable urban development plan for an Australian city.
  • Data Source: Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN) offers a wide range of datasets for urban and social research.

13. Environmental Science: Analyzing Biodiversity Changes

  • What to Do: Investigate changes in biodiversity over time in different Australian regions, focusing on endangered and invasive species.
  • Data Source: Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) –

14. Mathematics: Modeling Population Growth

  • What to Do: Use demographic data to model and analyze population growth trends across Australian cities.
  • Data Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) –

15. Technology: Developing a Real-time Bushfire Alert System

  • What to Do: Design a system that uses real-time data to alert communities of nearby bushfire threats.
  • Data Source: Australian Government Data Portal –, and check state-specific Rural Fire Service websites for additional data.

16. Engineering: Optimizing Renewable Energy Placement

  • What to Do: Analyze geographical and meteorological data to determine optimal locations for renewable energy installations.
  • Data Source: Australian Renewable Energy Mapping Infrastructure (AREMI) –

17. Computer Science: Creating an Educational Game Based on Australian Wildlife

  • What to Do: Develop an interactive game that teaches users about Australian wildlife.
  • Data Source: Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) –

18. Physics: Investigating Climate Change Effects on Sea Levels

  • What to Do: Use historical climate and sea level data to explore the impact of climate change on coastlines.
  • Data Source: CSIRO Data Access Portal –

19. Chemistry: Water Quality Analysis in Urban Areas

  • What to Do: Analyze water quality data from various urban areas to identify pollution sources.
  • Data Source: Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) Water Data Online –

20. Earth Sciences: Studying Soil Erosion Patterns

  • What to Do: Use soil and landscape data to study erosion patterns across different terrains.
  • Data Source: TERN Data Discovery Portal –

21. Agriculture: Predicting Crop Yields

  • What to Do: Analyze climate, soil, and crop data to predict annual crop yields.
  • Data Source: Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) –

22. Health Sciences: Tracking the Spread of Infectious Diseases

23. Astronomy: Mapping the Night Sky

  • What to Do: Utilize astronomical data to create a detailed map of the night sky visible from Australia.
  • Data Source: CSIRO Data Access Portal –; Australian Astronomical Observatory (AAO) –

24. Interdisciplinary: Analyzing Transportation Trends

25. Marine Biology: Studying the Effects of Ocean Acidification

  • What to Do: Analyze pH level data from various Australian marine sites to study the effects of ocean acidification on marine life.
  • Data Source: Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) –

26. Geography: Mapping Australian Natural Disasters

  • What to Do: Create interactive maps displaying the frequency, type, and impact of natural disasters in Australia over the past decades.
  • Data Source: Australian Government Disaster Assist –

27. Sustainable Development: Evaluating Urban Green Spaces

  • What to Do: Use satellite imagery and urban development data to evaluate the distribution and accessibility of green spaces in Australian cities.
  • Data Source: Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN) –

28. Astronomy & Space Science: Tracking Satellites and Space Debris

  • What to Do: Develop a visualization tool to track satellites and space debris orbiting Earth, with a focus on those relevant to Australia.
  • Data Source: Satellite Situation Center Web (SSCWeb) –

29. Environmental Engineering: Designing Water Recycling Systems

  • What to Do: Propose designs for community-scale water recycling systems using water usage and quality data from Australian communities.
  • Data Source: Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) –

30. Health & Nutrition: Analyzing Australian Dietary Trends

  • What to Do: Investigate public health data to identify trends in dietary habits and their impact on health across different Australian regions.
  • Data Source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) –

31. Robotics & Automation: Developing Automated Wildlife Monitoring Systems

  • What to Do: Design a prototype for an automated system that uses camera data to monitor wildlife activity in protected areas.
  • Data Source: Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) –

32. Economics & Finance: Forecasting Economic Impact of Tourism

  • What to Do: Use tourism and economic data to model and forecast the economic impact of tourism on Australia’s economy.
  • Data Source: Tourism Research Australia –

33. Digital Arts & Media: Visualizing Australian Cultural Data

  • What to Do: Create digital art or visualizations that represent cultural trends and data, such as participation in arts, music, and theater across Australia.
  • Data Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) –

34. Agricultural Science: Optimizing Crop Rotations

  • What to Do: Analyze soil health and crop production data to develop optimized crop rotation schedules for sustainable agriculture.
  • Data Source: CSIRO Data Access Portal –

35. Physics & Energy: Solar Power Generation Analysis

  • What to Do: Model and analyze the efficiency of solar power generation in various Australian climates using solar radiation and energy production data.
  • Data Source: Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) –

36. Information Technology: Developing a Public Transport App

  • What to Do: Create an app that uses public transport data to provide users with real-time updates, route planning, and congestion forecasts.
  • Data Source: Public Transport Authorities of Australian States and Territories (links can be found on respective government websites)

37. New South Wales: Water Quality Analysis in the Murray-Darling Basin

  • What to Do: Analyze water quality and pollution levels in the Murray-Darling Basin to assess environmental health and impacts of agricultural practices.
  • Data Source: NSW Government Open Data Portal –

38. Victoria: Urbanization’s Impact on Wildlife in Melbourne

  • What to Do: Study how urban development around Melbourne affects native wildlife populations, focusing on habitat loss and species adaptation.
  • Data Source: Victorian Government Data Directory –

39. Queensland: Climate Change Effects on the Great Barrier Reef

  • What to Do: Investigate the impact of rising sea temperatures on coral bleaching events and overall reef health in the Great Barrier Reef.
  • Data Source: Queensland Government Open Data Portal –

40. Western Australia: Renewable Energy Potential

  • What to Do: Explore the current state and future potential of renewable energy sources in Western Australia, identifying key areas for development.
  • Data Source: Government of Western Australia Data Portal –

41. South Australia: Bushfire Recovery in the Adelaide Hills

  • What to Do: Analyze the recovery process of wildlife and vegetation following recent bushfires in the Adelaide Hills, evaluating ecosystem resilience.
  • Data Source: SA Government Data Directory –

42. Tasmania: Biodiversity and Conservation Efforts

  • What to Do: Study Tasmania’s unique ecosystems, focusing on endemic species, their conservation status, and efforts to protect biodiversity.
  • Data Source: Tasmanian Government Open Data Portal –

43. Australian Capital Territory: Public Transport Efficiency in Canberra

  • What to Do: Examine the efficiency and usage patterns of Canberra’s public transport system, proposing improvements to increase ridership.
  • Data Source: ACT Government Open Data Portal –

44. Northern Territory: Tourism’s Socio-Economic Impacts on Uluru-Kata Tjuta

  • What to Do: Research the socio-economic effects of tourism in Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, considering both benefits and challenges to the local community.
  • Data Source: Northern Territory Government Information and Services –

45. New South Wales: Analyzing the Impact of Festivals on Local Economies

  • What to Do: Use economic and tourism data to analyze the impact of major festivals in NSW on local economies, including job creation and tourism revenue.
  • Data Source: Destination NSW –

46. Victoria: Victorian Renewable Energy Tracking

  • What to Do: Analyze the growth and distribution of renewable energy projects in Victoria, identifying trends and potential areas for future development.
  • Data Source: Victorian Energy Upgrades Program –

47. Queensland: Coastal Erosion and Management Strategies

  • What to Do: Study coastal erosion data along Queensland’s coast, evaluating the effectiveness of current management strategies and proposing new solutions.
  • Data Source: Queensland Government Environmental Data –

48. Western Australia: Mining Activity and Environmental Monitoring

  • What to Do: Investigate the environmental impacts of mining activities in WA, using data on mining locations, production volumes, and environmental monitoring reports.
  • Data Source: Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety –

49. South Australia: Wind Energy Patterns and Potential

50. Tasmania: Tracking the Tasmanian Devil Population

  • What to Do: Use wildlife conservation data to track the population changes of the Tasmanian Devil, analyzing threats and conservation efforts.
  • Data Source: Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) –

51. Australian Capital Territory: Urban Heat Island Effect Analysis

  • What to Do: Analyze temperature data across different parts of Canberra to study the urban heat island effect and propose mitigation strategies.
  • Data Source: ACT Government Environment –

52. Northern Territory: Indigenous Land Use and Cultural Sites

  • What to Do: Explore the distribution and significance of Indigenous land use areas and cultural sites in NT, integrating geographical and historical data.
  • Data Source: Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority –

In STEMtralia’s view, these activities offer a broad spectrum of opportunities for students to engage with real-world data and challenges, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. These activities aim to deepen students’ understanding of local and state-specific issues through the analysis of open data, fostering skills in research, critical thinking, and problem-solving

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